Your experience - his passion

Photograph by Anna Sundström

Do you think that Roombler is an user friendly and intuitive app? David is head of user experience and the one to thank for that.

An original Roombler

David is one of the original Roomblers and has been a part of the team pretty much since the beginning.

”I met Björn when we were working in the same co-working space. I helped him with some of the first sketches and prototypes, and then became a part of the Roombler founder team.”

User experience in focus

David, specialized in game design and advanced interaction, is a true asset to Roombler. As many of the Roomblers he’s got an entrepreneurial side as well and has been involved in founding several tech and gaming companies, all with user experience in focus.

”My passion is to improve and create interfaces that are both beautiful and easy to use. Something that is truly needed in this business. Just google ”hotel management system” and you’ll see what I mean.”

Closeness and nature

Originally from Stockholm, David and his family moved to Gotland in 2011. It was the nature, the sea and the fact that you have everything close that lead them here.

”I hated the fact that I had to take the car all the time. In Visby you can walk pretty much anywhere you want to go. And Gotland is just beautiful. Take any road leading to the sea and you will end up in an incredible location. You’ve got to love that!”