Roombler now connects to and Expedia

Many of our users gets bookings from different channels. Roombler can now be connect your Roombler account to both and Expedia. Once in place, the connection will automatically get your bookings from the different channels into your Roombler app.


In other words, when a customer places a booking, you will have access to it right away in your iPhone. Closer to hand is hard to get. No admin needed. That is what we call zenification.

Origin overview

Also the app shows from what channel the booking originated from. Both in the calendar and the booking view. This will give you an easily accessed overview on where your bookings came from.

Let us help you

If you are interested in connecting your Roombler account to any of these, contact us and we will help you with the setup. Off course we can also help you to get the Roombler booking widget on your own site.