Get started with Roombler

The roombler booking app lets you handle all your bookings in your iPhone or iPad. The app helps you to reduce administrative work and since it's in your iPhone, you'll have it close to hand at time. It is easy to get started. Just follow these simple steps.

Create an account

First of all you need to create a Roombler account. This is done in a heartbeat. Go here to get started.

Download app

When your account is ready it’s time to download the Roombler booking app to your iPhone or iPad. The app is free and you’ll find it in App Store.

Set up your accommodation

It only takes minutes to set up your accommodation. Just add your rooms, bookings and guest information. Everything in your iPhone with some simple taps.

Are you listed on Expedia and

You can now connect your Roombler account with and Expedia. Once in place, the connection will automatically get your bookings from the different channels into your Roombler app. If you would like to do so, contact us and we will help you!