How it all started

It all started when Björn Milton, the founder of Roombler, together with his partner bought a property on Gotland, Sweden’s largest island, and converted it into a small hotel and restaurant, named Hotel Stelor.
”We wanted to build a high quality business with high standards. Our vision was to create an atmosphere, a feeling. And we wanted it to exist through all parts of the business. Both in what the customers could see and experience. But also behind the scenes, such as technical systems.”
I you can’t find it, do it yourself
Since Björn has his background in tech and in 2006 co-founded a startup called Twingly, it was a natural step to go out and search for a hotel management system that would fit their requirements.
However he came out empty handed. ”Not one of the systems that I could find appealed to me. They were just too complex to use and didn’t fit the purpose that I had in mind. Their flaws are a part of the reason why I decided to build my own system.”
User experience is the key
On the list of demands, user experience was highly ranked. Even though the system behind it is complex, that’s not something you as a user have to worry about. ”The Roombler booking app is intuitive. You don’t need a handbook to use it. It just works.”
Always with you
”You already have your iPhone or iPad with you wherever you go. That’s why Roombler is an app. So that you can use it from wherever you are.”